Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 Life Objectives

I've been thinking about resolutions (who doesn't at this time of year), but I've decided that using a fall-back to my teaching days would actually be more beneficial to me. That's right. Objectives. And not sissy objectives either. Measurable, demonstrative objectives. I'll bold them as I cross them off the list, because I think seeing productivity will make me feel successful. So here they are, in no particular order.

1. Run a 5k. Don't walk at all.
2. Read the Bible through. All 66 books. (2/66)
3. Pay off debt completely. (This is a stretch, but I think with some serious planning it can be done.)
4. Finish Exam 1.
5. Finish Exam 2.
6. Do 5 random, anonymous acts of kindness. Don't tell anyone.
7. Take a vacation. Don't work at all.
8. Spend 2 Sundays a month doing NOTHING work-related (0/12)
9. Knit a sweater. (I crochet like it's my job but I've never knitted much)
10. Blog at least 2 times a month, either here or at the other blog. (2/12)
11. Carry on a conversation in ASL--without "cheating."

So, that's a good start. I've never done measurable, attainable goals before, so I'm limiting myself to 11. I've started running with my good friend L, so goal number one is already begun! I've never been a runner, so I'm proud of the effort. I may not be fast, but I can learn to persevere. Which just might be my theme for this year.


  1. A question about #6: doesn't counting them out, even if you don't give any details, count as telling someone?

  2. Good Point, Micah. Maybe I'll just keep a private count and check it off when I'm done with all 5....
